
まちおこしの現場から / The revitalization of Shimmachi Community



I attended at a meeting of TANABATA-MATSURI with a student of my seminar. TANABATA-MATSUTI is the Festival of the Weaver, one of the traditional festival in Japan. We, Jobu University participates in this event that Shinmachi business and industry society hosts. 

The student has studied to become a staff of city government. Therefore, I think it is very significant for him to   experience "real". What did he learn?

Is it beginner's luck? For the public information of the festival, it was decided that he appeared in a radio program of Takasaki Radio. I am very glad as his regent professor. A photograph is "Taiko-Yaki" presented by Tomiya. Taiko-Yaki is one of the popular cakes in Japan. Tomiya's Taiko-Yaki is very delicious. I recommend uguisu-aji.