
横浜の傾いたマンション / A defective apartment building in YOKOHAMA City


朝日新聞デジタル( 6月7日(土)17時57分配信)によると、このマンション、杭を支持層にまで到達させずに建てた疑いが持たれているようですね。もしそうだとしたら時限爆弾を埋め込まれているようなものです。



It is a dangerous building.

According to Asahi Shimbun Digital, this apartment building is suspected of having been built without letting a foundation pile arrive at the bearing stratum. It's like setting the time-bomb.

I recommend the housing co-operatives. Like this
Residents have been the leading role of design, construct and maintenance...this is the basis of the democratic community. Without the gendral constructors, we can create the confotable environment for individual. 

It is emarge that lots of resident demand their special needs for own space. The housing co-operatives is an answer for their needs.